The United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007, by a majority of 144 States of the world.

The Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples as regards to self-determination, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues. It also emphasizes the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures, and traditions, and to pursue their development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations. 
The Declaration clearly prohibits and frowns at discrimination against indigenous peoples, violation of their rights. It promotes their full and effective participation in all matters that concern them and their right to remain distinct, and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development without discrimination. 

The United Nations described the Declaration as “an important standard for the treatment of indigenous peoples that will undoubtedly be a significant tool towards eliminating human rights violations against the planet’s 370 million indigenous people and assisting them in combating discrimination and marginalization.”

It is noteworthy that since this declaration, new countries seeking self-independence have rightfully emerged. Such countries like Abkhazia, for instance, declared its independence in 1999 and have been  recognised by six UN member States namely; Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, Tuvalu and Vanuatu respectively. Both the European and Asian Countries where those new countries emerged knew the importance of freedom and never kicked against the sovereignty of these new States.
But coming down to Africa, the most corrupt country in the world that claims to be the “Gaint of Africa,” it is a different ball game. Its leaders are spitting hot coals, threatening fire and brimstone, vowing to annihilate those who demands to have their freedom, using military might and Islamic jihad system against them.

Earlier this year, the incumbent President of the rogue country, Nigeria, burst out saying,  “I would rather die than to see Nigeria divide.” This unguarded utterance of a supposed leader of the most populous state attracted international condemnation as most elites and political analysts quickly pinpointed his ineptitude and cautioned him to control not only his words but emotions as well. Such incidents readily speak volume of the attitude and manner of the leadership of so-called African rulers and exposes their weaknesses and insatiable quests for power without the capability to deliver.

A lot have already happened in the British warehouse called Nigeria which most Biafrans and non-Biafran indigenes as well address as “ a Zoo” because it depletes with a good organizational standard. The way Nigerian politicians reason is the way animals reason, and even worse. 

The claim that Nigeria will “become better” has boomeranged before us all. None of them is talking of “better Nigeria” again. Their song has changed over some weeks now. It is now the restructuring tune! They kept on fumbling because they refused to do the right thing. 

That right thing amongst others is the Release of #Nnamdi Kanu from detention. He committed no crime by asking for the freedom of his people in line with the United Nations Charter on the rights of the indigenous peoples. It is a sheer violation of human right to continue to keep him in prison even when courts of competent jurisdictions cleared him on two consecutive occasions.
To continue to keep Nnamdi Kanu in prison amounts to  political hunting and wickedness, the very things UN Declaration frowned upon by charting for the freedom of the Indigenous Peoples.

Another right on the top list is the granting of Biafra’s freedom! Stop antagonising Biafra independence because it is a cause justified by every known law both local and international. The days are gone when the Islamic North used all their tricks to coerce Biafra. Now we are wiser and more formidable than ever. Never again shall we be ruled by those who hate us and wished us death!
Never again shall our land be defiled by the blood sucking people whose only thought in life is to kill, forcefully subjugate and Islamize Biafrans! Never again shall we allow them. On Biafra, we shall always stand because it is our inalienable right. Whether Buhari is dying as he vowed or not, Biafra has come to stay. 

In real politics, it is the will of the people(masses) that prevails, not the wishes of the murderous cabals that have held free people in captivity and sold their consciences to enslave the people. The voice of the people have spoken, and that is Biafra!
Free Biafra.

Written By Ezza Heritage.


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