Palestinians cut all diplomatic ties with the US but still take $400M US Taxpayers' money - Trump must suspend the aid
Palestinians cut all Diplomatic ties with the US, but continue to take the $400M US aid. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refuses to meet U.S. VP Mike Pence during Pence's visit as mediator in Israel-Palestine peace process. Each year, the United States gives the Palestinian Authority $400M aid. 400,000,000 dollars of US taxpayer money is going directly to Muslim terrorists. The Palestinian Authority uses American taxpayers' money to pay Muslim terrorists who murdered non-Muslims in Israel. American taxpayers should not be forced to finance Islamic terrorism. Share if you think Trump should cut all the American aid to the Muslims who call themselves Palestinians. The Western world should follow Trump and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Just look at what happens to Christians in Neighboring Countries (Egypt, Iraq and Syria), the Islamic persecution of Christians across the Middle East has become genocide. Only Israe...