World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA), a body created in 1946 with the mission to uphold human rights, ensure peace among nations, sustain democracy and strengthen international justice, has since her creation, been the object of deprived justice, the mainspring of war and the inducement of human right abuses across the globe.

Apart from the UN’s wicked silence over Biafra, another recent show of UN’s hypocrisy is in her attempt to forestall Philippines’ efforts to curb drug abuse in the country.

In Philippines today, there is a sharp increase in the abuse of drugs like cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, inhalants (like nitrates and gasoline), marijuana etc, which has led a reasonable number of Philippines’ population (mostly young men and women) into being less productive, domestic violence, criminal acts and terrorism.
These drug addicts in Philippines have made life miserable to the local communities –they kill indiscriminately, steal, terrorize and recruit younger generation into this evil act. In the past 5 years, attacks from these addicts have claimed the lives of over 4000 people and there seems to be a soaring crime rate that might destroy a greater percentage of the Philippines younger population if drastic measures are not taken.

As these criminals maim communities, the United Nations seems to be watching in admiration; she forgot her role as a peace ambassador and as a human rights protagonist.

Owing to this, the government of the Philippines adopted very stringent measures to curtail and eradicate these destructive deeds. Measures include creating awareness about the dangers of drug abuse in schools, a visit to prison by students to be aware of what they are likely to face if arrested on drug abuse, job creation, arrest and incarceration of offenders and killing of suspects who attempts to endanger the life of a security personnel at the point of arrest. This too has caused the death of about 600 people since President Duterte took to office.
In reaction to this, the United Nations that has been silent over the atrocities committed by these criminals, has condemned in strongest terms, Duterte’s approach to combating drug abuse and has gone further (just like she did in Libya) to create an alliance with Duterte’s opposition party targeted at destabilizing the Philippines government.

To this end, the Philippines president, Duterte, threatened to withdraw Philippines from the UN and set up a rival international organization; accusing UN of consistently grooming unrests in different parts of the world outside Europe and America in their bid to benefit from such situations.
Mr Duterte, in a press briefing on August 20 2016, said ‘’Maybe we will just have to decide to separate from the United Nations. If you are that disrespectful, son of a whore, then I will just leave you’’

‘’I might have to set up another international organization and invite everybody. I would invite maybe China, the African (nations).’’

‘’To hell with you, UN, you can’t even solve the Middle East carnage… couldn’t even lift a finger in Africa.’’

Referring to the Syrian boy who was injured after an air strike, pictured sitting in an ambulance and covered in blood, as a proof of UN’s ineffectiveness, he said ‘’Is that stupid body complaining about the stench there of death. Look at the iconic boy taken out of the rubble. When he was made to sit in the ambulance, and we saw it. So what’s the difference?’’
Also in reference to the recent killings of Blacks in America, Mr Duterte expressed, ‘’What do you think the Americans did to the black people there? Is that not rubbing off also? And (critics) say what?’’

‘’You law experts of the United Nations, come here and face me and make accusations’’.
Recall that in 1967-1969, it took Bruce Mayrock, an American student in Columbia University, who set himself ablaze near the UN building in New York on May 30 1969, for UN to get involved in an already 22 month old war, who through conspiring with the Western media, shut the world out from the genocide committed by Nigeria against innocent Biafrans and till today, shields them from Hague’s verdict.
According to Dr, E.O. Eke, ‘’It was also for the same reason that Steve Job, gave up his faith, because he could not believe in a God that would standby and allow Nigeria to commit the genocide crime that was evolving’’.

In recent times also, the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) has also accused the United Nations of ‘’hypocrisy’’ and another ‘’conspired silence’’ owing to recent killings by the Nigerian Armed Forces against Biafrans.

Despite Amnesty’s confirmation of IPOB’s claims in a report that indicted the Nigerian Army, UN has not deemed it, a crime considerable enough, to be condemned.

Nigeria has grossly violated all the rights of the indigenous people as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) which range from her right to autonomy (Article 4), right to distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions (Article 5), right to own media (Article 16) to right to self determination to name the least.
It is worthy of note that if UN carried out her duties stated in her mission statement, numerous hostilities in the world today would be needless –but events have proven that the drivers of this project only modified their name from ‘’slave masters’’ to ‘’United Nations’’. She is the epitome of injustice and the creator of wars all around the globe.

IPOB hereby calls on the world in general to understand that this conspired silence towards Biafra validates Mr Duterte’s claims about the UN; it mocks every claim by UN to uphold human rights.

 UN should practice what she preaches.


Written By Chinedu Ewulu


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