French President Calls Trump, Threatens To Break 240-Year-Old Tradition

French President Calls Trump, Threatens

To Break 240-Year-Old Tradition

If you watched President Trump announce his decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord yesterday, you were likely THRILLED. It turns out that the French are not quite as happy. We wonder why!
Reuters reported that French President Emmanuel Macron called our president last night after Trump’s announcement to leave the Paris Climate Accord. The call was short and boiled down to this: there will be no negotiation to enter back into the environmental group. Macron said that we can still work together, but no discussion of climate issues will occur. Wow.
If Macron understood how badly being part of the Paris Climate Accord hurt our country, he might reconsider. Instead, he is coming off as a selfish leader who isn’t getting his way. President Trump made the call because our nation NEEDS to free up money, get more jobs going, and bring our country back from the depths of the Obama administration.
One look at the conditions set by this agreement and you can see the problems popping out right in front of your face. It is disturbing how much our country has to suffer, but everyone else gets to relax and do what they want. Obama put us in this situation ON PURPOSE.
Under the agreement, we had to halt all of our coal mining operations. The mines lay barren for years while families struggled to eat every day. All of the families like this who have coal miners in the family wouldn’t be in such dire straits if not for the bogus climate “agreement.”
While our families are starving, China has no restrictions on their coal mining industry. At the SAME time, they are also one of the biggest polluting countries in the world. How is that fair or environmentally friendly? Spoiler alert: it isn’t.
We are also expected to cut our coal emissions, while at the same time, allowing India to use as much coal as they need. It seems like everyone gets what they want out of this deal except for the U.S.
It gets worse. This agreement encourages us to send BILLIONS overseas to help countries with their fuel usage. It is INSANITY at its absolute finest. At what point do WE get something in exchange for helping? Why are the burdens all on us?
Obama knew exactly what he was getting into when he entered this agreement. It was never about saving the world from environmental danger. It has ALWAYS been about doing favors for nothing and supporting every country but the one he was supposed to represent. Because of him, we fell deep into a ditch of joblessness, hopelessness, and overall disparity.
President Trump OFFERED to work with the French president to get an agreement that would keep jobs in the U.S., at the very least. Macron isn’t going to have any of it, though.
He would not be willing to do anything that would ACTUALLY help the U.S. He only cares about his own country, so it is ABOUT TIME we start doing the same.


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