In this edition, we are delving into a very pivotal aspect of our being as a people, which borders on African mindset, effects and possible rehabilitation for effective and result-oriented functionalities. It should be clearly noted that there is no mortal being on this planet earth that is devoid of mental capacity and capability divinely blessed to achieve anticipated results. It is common knowledge/belief especially in this part of the world that if one looses grip of his/her normal mental faculty or balance, such an individual is termed psychopathically deficient. This of course creates room for the ostracizement in a given society. Such a person becomes a destitute that must be distanced from.

The mind and brain are exceptionally wired to positively guide every human action and when these function otherwise, emergency sets in. Meanwhile, there are  certain factors that can influence or impede the positive functionality of these vital human components. These factors revolve around lack of education, drug abuse, accident and what is commonly referred to in spiritual parlance as "spiritual attack".

The mind and the reasoning pattern of Africans to greater extent, are deeply influenced albeit negatively, by decades of European colonialism as the whites ventured into the African continent in search of economic interests. Through such a drive, the original owners of the land, were subtly and ignorantly subjected to second class beings through deceitful overtures.

When these colonialists ventured into the continent of Africa, they discovered the massive and economically viable natural endowments (mineral resources) inherently deposited by nature. And the only way to access these great deposits was through the instrumentality of colonising (thwarting) the mindset of these people. This was craftily and successfully adopted, thereby making the Africans, helplessly inferior and subordinates. This system perfectly paid off, resulting in years of enslavement, with the abundant natural resources gravely tapped by the whites to their advantage with virtually no commensurate benefits accruing to the people in reciprocation. Africans thus, grew for years under the weighty yoke of this stigma, deprivation and thwarted mindset of being inferior to their white counterparts. Many African elites have numerously posited unanswered questions regarding this anomaly, to no effect because there had existed no framework on ground to correct the imbalance. A blackman will very easily give up in a competition with a whiteman because of this perceived "kindergarten mindset". The inability of the blackman for instance, to win the world soccer cup over the years, has remained an unsolved mystery till date. During the 2018 world cup tournament between the evil enclave called Nigeria and Argentina, I personally discovered that the mindset of Nigerians has deeply been caged by the colonial slavish complex factor which needs some structural palliatives.

The problems of Africans are indisputably embedded in the structure of their minds and brain which are seriously under the pathetic influence of colonialism and neo-colonialism, in almost every ramification. The moment this tainted mindset is comprehensively rehabilitated and restored, everything within the continent will positively get reordered. The way the people begin to reason and react to issues bordering on their well-being and welfare will dramatically engender the much anticipated development in the continent. The blackman must have to, as a matter of expediency, embrace the overhauling of his mindset with the firm belief and acceptation that he is a human specie that has equal standing with his counterpart elsewhere with a white skin. He must begin embrace the possibility of doing things objectively and differently and not being a stooge to the whiteman who is being termed in some quarters, as superhumans or demigods.

Surprisingly to many, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, ably led by the highly enlightened, courageous, resilient and intelligent Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has boldly taken some damning steps on the roadmap of real change for other Africans to emulate. This global phenomenal movement of a unique group of indigenous people since inception, has remained undeterred in achieving so tremendously, even in the face of death and varied forms of victimization, set objectives. This feat is not just for Biafrans alone but by extension and implication, the entire African continent, proving to the global community that Africans can do exploits in all established human endeavors.

All lovers of freedom and men of goodwill throughout the entire universe, owe the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) their unalloyed support in the restoration drive of the sovereignty of the nation of Biafra. Biafrans must exit Nigeria totally and completely to effectively champion to the maximum, the emancipation of the African continent and her people.

Written by Ogeh Friday Igiri

From Family Writers Press


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